
Do You Value Chef Over Recipe In Your Agile Restaurant?

Do You Value Chef Over Recipe In Your Agile Restaurant?

agile, Agile Manifesto, Scrum
"Individuals and interactions over processes and tools." The first value stated in the Agile Manifesto is the one which most intrigued me about Agile. I have been part of large organizations where everything was driven by the process. As such, it commonly felt like the processes were getting in our way and slowing us down. For example, I submitted a design document for peer review. The majority of feedback was concerned with whether I followed the approved "style guide." The approval process contained formalized steps with the stated purpose to verify that we followed our standard documentation management system and storage process. Few of these steps had anything to do with whether the design was any good or not. So this first Agile value seemed like a good one to me.  Later, a chat with a colleague…
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Do A Few Things Insanely Great

Do A Few Things Insanely Great

agile, Agile testing, Scrum, sprint, Technical debt
Want to do more. Consider doing less. Limit your work in progress (WIP). Value completeness over an abundance of work in progress. Let's examine how this strategy can actually make your teams more productive. "Do a few things insanely great" reflects a quote from an executive at a previous company where I worked.  What is interesting, the company developed software using traditional project management with long development cycles and large number of features planned upfront.  Schedules were commonly delayed in order to ensure quality levels and handle complex code integrations from the large number of changes.  The executive was suggesting a different approach for working. I use the quote in my Scrum and Kanban training to emphasize the importance of limiting WIP.   In Kanban, the WIP constraints are part of…
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March Madness: Would Your Scrum Teams Make The Tournament?

March Madness: Would Your Scrum Teams Make The Tournament?

agile, Scrum, sprint
Scrum is a team sport.  The team is accountable for delivering the product and value to the business within short iterations called sprints.  Basketball teams are accountable for scoring more points than their opponents during games and over the season. Basketball and scrum teams are cross functional, empowered and must work together as a team to be successful. I want to further describe some concepts about successful teams using basketball as an analogy. The college basketball tournament is held during March of each year.  A committee selects the top 64 (plus a few extras) teams and creates a playoff bracket.  The tournament is single elimination so if a team wins, then it advances to the next game.  If the team loses, the team is out and goes home to get…
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Technical Health Over Technical Debt

Technical Health Over Technical Debt

agile, Agile testing, Scrum, Technical debt, Technical health
Technical health is a better term than technical debt to describe the concept of keeping software code "clean". The original blog, which explains and compares these terms, was updated and re-posted under Technical Health for the New Year. Please take time to follow the link to view. And make your resolutions to regularly adopt and improve your practices to maintain your "technical health!"  
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Agile Testing – A Different Type of Feeling

Agile Testing – A Different Type of Feeling

agile, Agile testing, Scrum
Agile testing differs from testing within the traditional software development environment.  In Agile, testers are team members working closely with developers and are partners in delivering quality.  Traditional testing generally is performed by a separate test group from the developers.  I emphasize the testing differences by looking at two scenarios and focus on two different types of "feelings" which result. Many of my Agile and Scrum classes are to train organizations who are migrating from traditional software development processes. Typically, these organizations have Development groups which are separate from the Quality Assurance (QA) groups.  In most cases, the groups even report upward through different management chains.  The traditional process is for development to write and unit test the code (maybe other automated or regression tests) and then submit it to QA for further enhanced…
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Predictive Agility – When will we get there?

Predictive Agility – When will we get there?

agile, Predictive Agility, Scrum
I will describe how maturing Agile projects can actually provide more transparency into the current project status and estimates with higher confidence levels than those typically used in traditional project planning.  I will call this "Predictive Agility".  I will focus more on Scrum but the same principles apply to other Agile methodologies like Kanban. Many executive and managers who are considering adopting Agile have the misconception that Agile projects do not have the ability to give an estimate of when a product release will be ready for launch.  In their roles, they need to communicate the status and projections of new products to potential customers, stakeholders, and business shareholders.  In some cases, a product must have new features and be ready by a certain date or else there is no reason to start…
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More Pigs Less Chickens – Commitment vs Involvement

More Pigs Less Chickens – Commitment vs Involvement

agile, Scrum, sprint
In an earlier version of the Scrum Guide, there was a reference to a cartoon where a chicken asks a pig to start a restaurant named "Ham and Eggs".  The pig declines by stating that he would be "committed" and the chicken would only be "involved".  The guide version implied that only the three Scrum roles of Product Owner,  Scrum Master, and Team were pigs and everyone else was a chicken.  This reference was removed in the 2011 version of the Scrum Guide.  To see the cartoon and learn more details about the meaning, view the discussion at AgileForAll. The results of the Sprint Planning meeting were also changed from the Team "committing" to "forecasting" which work items would be completed for the Sprint. The reasons for the change have been discussed…
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Beginning an Agile transformation

agile, Scrum
Your teams and organization are excited about adopting Agile.  You have read all the promises of success, and people have been trained in the latest practices.  Then you begin the transformation  only to discover that productivity actually goes down.  People become unsure about their new roles and responsibilities.  What happens next is crucial. Agile adoption involves a mindset shift as well as a behavior change. These require work and continued support from management and other resources. In many cases, there may need to be additional help brought in for coaching, training, or facilitation.  It is important to understand that this is a journey which will take some time to complete.  Set realistic goals. I often recommend building expertise by adopting Agile at first on some smaller projects.  I call it "Iterative…
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Does Agile really lead to Success?

agile, Scrum
The name of the current site is Agile2Success.  Today more software development organizations are adopting Agile and implementing  methods such as Scrum or Kanban.  I often hear people say "our company is now agile". When I ask them to explain what that means, I find that little has changed in how they are working.  At best the adoption means some form of "hybrid" agile, and it is justified by saying the word agile implies we can pick and choose what to adopt. So why are companies at least attempting to be Agile?  In several surveys, data shows that Agile projects are significantly likely to be more successful or have fewer failure than traditional Waterfall projects.  Successful means that the project delivered value (enough features) on time and within budget. Failure means…
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